Mover: Deputy Mayor Wink
Seconder: Councillor Ker
WHEREAS on March 23, 2020, Council enacted an Odourous Industries Nuisance By-law that sets an odour threshold based on known industry standards for acceptable odour levels in the Town of Pelham;
AND WHEREAS the community has expressed its dissatisfaction with odour emissions from local cannabis facilities, indicating that current measures may be inadequate;
AND WHEREAS Town of Pelham Council recognizes the challenge of balancing industrial growth with the quality of life and well-being of the community;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to prepare a comprehensive report reviewing the current threshold for odour levels as stipulated in the Odourous Industries Nuisance By-law 4202(2020);
AND THAT the report further examine existing odour testing data and provide recommendations for revised odour limits that align more closely with the community expectations, while respecting industry standards;
AND THAT as part of this review, staff be directed to consult the Town’s odour expert to obtain professional insights and recommendations on appropriate odour thresholds;
AND THAT staff present their findings and recommendations to Council on September 18, 2024, for consideration and potential amendment of the By-law.