Mover: Councillor Olson
Seconder: Councillor Hildebrandt
WHEREAS the Town of Pelham is committed to the protection of persons and property, including members of the public, employees, and municipal assets;
AND WHEREAS one of the methods used by the Town to enhance safety and security and mitigate risk is the operation of video surveillance cameras in public areas;
AND WHEREAS the Town recognizes the importance of safeguarding the privacy of persons whose images are obtained through video surveillance while ensuring the security of Town facilities;
AND WHEREAS the Town further recognizes that the collection, retention and custody of images obtained through video surveillance must adhere to all applicable privacy legislation, including the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Charter of Rights and Freedom (Charter), and the guidelines established by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC);
AND WHEREAS a policy for the management of video surveillance images is essential for the Town to balance personal privacy rights with public safety objectives and to comply with MFIPPA and Charter requirements, as well as direction from the IPC;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to complete an internal review of the current use, retention, custody, access, and destruction of images collected by the Town’s video surveillance system taking into consideration all relevant legislation, including MFIPPA, the Charter, and the IPC Guidelines, and to identify to Council any recommendations for improvements and best practices in the Town’s use, retention, custody, access, and destruction of collected images by the Town’s video surveillance system.
AND THAT a report be presented to Council in Q1 of 2025.