Town of Pelham Municipal Office - Council Chambers
20 Pelham Town Square, Fonthill

The Town of Pelham is holding hybrid meetings of Council and Committee in accordance with Procedure By-law 4507(2022). Public access to meetings will be provided in-person at the location indicated on the agenda, via Livestream: and subsequent publication to the Town's website at

We begin this meeting by acknowledging the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples and acknowledging reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous people.

1. By-law 30-2024 - Being a By-law to assume the subdivision known as River Realty Estates Phase 2 and to designate the streets as shown on Registered Plan of Subdivision 59M-471 as public highway and to name the street accordingly.

2. By-law 31-2024 - Being a By-law to exempt Blocks 144, 145, 147, Part Block 160, 59M-505 designated as Parts 1 to 5, both inclusive, 59R-17886, Part Block 163, 59M-505, designated as Parts 1 to 6, both inclusive, 59R-17917, municipally known as 104, 106, 108, 110, 116, and 118 Acacia Road, 44, 46, 48, 50, and 52 Samuel Avenue, and 15, 17, 19, 21, and 23 Saffron Way, from Part Lot Control. Saffron Meadows Phase 3 (Mountainview Building Group). File No. PLC-02-2024

3. By-law 32-2024 - Being a by-law to appoint Jodi Legros as Deputy Clerk for the Corporation of the Town of Pelham.

4. By-law 33-2024 - Being a By-law to appoint Leeland Baker (Officer No. 326) as a By-law Enforcement Officer, Property Standards Officer, and Provincial Offences Officer for the Corporation of the Town of Pelham.

Mover: Councillor Eckhardt

Seconder: Councillor Hildebrandt

WHEREAS Council for the Town of Pelham recognizes the importance of promoting the safety of residents and visitors;

AND WHEREAS the implementation of speed reduction measures has the potential to mitigate collisions and enhance overall road safety;

AND WHEREAS the road section of Effingham Street between Webber Road and River Road increases in speed from 60 km/h to 80 km/h;

AND WHEREAS this road section is on the cycling route known as the “Berkhout Trail Riverfront Loop,” drawing attention from the Pelham Active Transportation Committee due to multi-use conflicts;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Council request the Niagara Region to institute a reduction in the speed limit along the road section of Effingham Street, between Webber Road and River Road, lowering it from 80km/h to 60/km;

AND FURTHER THAT this motion be circulated to the Niagara Region for consideration and action.

Mover: Councillor Hildebrandt 

Seconder: Councillor Niznik 

WHEREAS Council for the Town of Pelham is committed to fostering inclusivity and ensuring that public facilities are accessible to all individuals, regardless of their physical capabilities;

AND WHEREAS Facility Design Standards (FDS) serve as essential guidelines for architects, engineers, designers, and builders, delineating the prerequisites for facility projects encompassing the construction and/or modification of public facilities to guarantee accessibility;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to prepare Facility Design Standards (FDS) to ensure the alignment of all forthcoming construction and/or renovation endeavors with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) standards. This alignment shall also adhere to energy-efficient building design protocols and site-specific environment criteria necessitating detailed soil analysis and bearing capacity assessments, including incorporating comprehensive marked “as-built drawings and documentation”;

AND THAT this initiative be incorporated as a strategic plan action item during the 2023-2027 Town of Pelham Strategic Plan update;

AND THAT staff consult with both the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Utility Sustainability Working Group for their respective expertise and recommendations in the establishment of the FDS;

AND THAT upon completion, the FDS be presented to Council for endorsement before being adopted as a guiding framework.

Mover: Mayor Junkin

Seconder: Councillor Olson

WHEREAS there is a growing need for sustainable and environmentally friendly energy solutions;

AND WHEREAS solar energy presents a viable avenue for reducing carbon emissions, alleviating energy costs, and generating revenue for the Meridian Community Centre (MCC), thereby offsetting operating costs, and advancing Council’s green agenda;

AND WHEREAS Council identified Environmental and Climate Adaptation as a primary focus in the 2023-2027 Town of Pelham Strategic Plan;

AND WHEREAS the prospective installation of solar panels aligns with the Town's commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council hereby directs staff to investigate the feasibility and benefits of installing rooftop solar panels on the MCC and report back to Council in Q3 of 2024;

AND THAT this investigation include the suitability of the MCC’s rooftop to host solar panels, an analysis of installation costs and potential return on investment, the environmental benefits, as well as an exploration of available incentives and grants for renewable energy projects;

AND THAT staff be further directed to share a draft of the report with the Utility Sustainability Working Group before its presentation to Council.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the next portion of the meeting be closed to the public in order to consider the following:

(b)  personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; (d) labour relations or employee negotiations - 2 items (Advisory Committee Appointment and Non-union)