Town of Pelham Municipal Office - Council Chambers
20 Pelham Town Square, Fonthill

The Town of Pelham is holding hybrid meetings of Council and Committee in accordance with Procedure By-law 4507(2022). Public access to meetings will be provided in-person at the location indicated on the agenda, via Livestream: and subsequent publication to the Town's website at

We begin this meeting by acknowledging the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples and acknowledging reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous people.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the next portion of the meeting be closed to the public in order to consider a matter under Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, as follows:

(f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose - 1 item (Redecan Compliance)

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the next portion of the meeting be closed to the public in order to consider a matter under Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act, as follows:

(b) - personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal employees  - 2 items (Consideration of Appointments to Advisory Committees)

(d) labour relations or employee negotiations - 1 item (CUPE 1287)

1. By-law 48-2023 - Being a By-law to regulate signs in the Town of Pelham and to repeal By-law No. 4199(2020)

2. By-law 49-2023 - Being a by-law to amend By-law 29-2023, confirming various appointments to Advisory Committees of the Town of Pelham for the 2022-2026 Term of Council and to appoint and appoint Member(s) to the Pelham Active Transportation Committee.  

Mover: Deputy Mayor Wink

Seconder: Councillor Eckhardt

WHEREAS Council for the Town of Pelham is committed to the safety of the community;

AND WHEREAS Council for the Town of Pelham is concerned the narrow roadway, hidden driveways, reduced visibility due to hills and speed of vehicular traffic on Haist Street has the capacity to create a potential safety hazard to walkers, cyclists, and children;

AND WHEREAS Council for the Town of Pelham desires to mitigate this potential hazard by regulating the speed of vehicular traffic on Haist Street, particularly north of Brewerton Boulevard, and to consider various potential traffic calming methods for this purpose;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Town of Pelham direct staff to investigate the installation of speed signage and a possible speed reduction from 50 km/h to 40 km/h with flashing lights to regulate and reduce the speed of vehicular traffic on Haist Street, particularly between Brewerton Boulevard and Metler Road;

AND THAT Council direct staff to report back by October 18, 2023.

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