Town of Pelham Municipal Office - Council Chambers
20 Pelham Town Square, Fonthill

The Town of Pelham is holding hybrid meetings of Council and Committee in accordance with Procedure By-law 4507(2022). Public access to meetings will be provided in-person at the location indicated on the agenda, via Livestream: and subsequent publication to the Town's website at

The Town of Pelham is situated on treaty land, steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk, Haudenosaunee and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Agreement. Today, many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people from across Turtle Island live and work in Niagara. The Town of Pelham stands in solidarity with all Indigenous peoples, past and present, acknowledging that our high standard of living is a result of the resources and lasting friendship of Indigenous peoples.

1. By-law 83-2024 - Being a By-law for the Imposition of Development Charges and to Repeal By-law 4023 (2018) and amending By-laws 4149 (2019), 4314 (2021), and 4431 (2022)

1. By-law 84-2024 - Being a By-law to Redivide the Wards in the Town of Pelham and to repeal and replace By-Law No. 3402(2013).

2. By-law 85-2024 - Being a By-law to exempt Blocks 174 and 175, 59M-505, municipally known as 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, and 18 Arsenault Crescent, from Part Lot Control. Saffron Meadows Phase 3 (Rinaldi Homes Niagara Inc.) File No. PLC-06-2024

3. By-law 86-2024 - Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 4481(2022), as amended, for lands on the south side of Quaker Road east of Pelham Street and west of Clare Avenue legally described as Part of Lot 237, Geographic Township of Thorold, Town of Pelham, Regional Municipality Of Niagara from the Residential 1 (R1) and Residential Multiple 1-133 Holding (RM1-133 (H)) zones to the amended Residential Multiple 1 – 133 Holding (RM1-133(H)) zone. Bauer Landing (701 & 717 Quaker Road) File No. AM-07-2024

Mover: Mayor Junkin

Seconder: Councillor Niznik

WHEREAS the National Anthem is played prior to each Regular Council Meeting;

AND WHEREAS Council has an opportunity to showcase community talent through pre-recorded performances of the National Anthem, providing residents of Pelham, or those with close personal ties to the community with opportunities for talent development, civic engagement, and the enhancement community pride;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council directs Clerk’s staff to prepare a Procedure for National Anthem Performances for Regular Council Meetings by the end of Q4 2024, with the intent to roll out the program in 2025;

AND THAT the finalized Procedure and application for National Anthem Performances at Regular Council Meetings, as approved by the Chief Administrative Officer, be published on the Town’s website and promoted through the Town’s regular communication channels;

AND THAT Council directs the Clerk’s Office to implement any necessary enhancements to the Procedure for National Anthem Performances at Regular Council Meetings to maximize operational efficiency.

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