Mover: Councillor Olson
Seconder: Councillor Hildebrandt
WHEREAS the Town of Pelham has established Policy S300-02, Protocol for the Development or Redevelopment of Telecommunications Towers, which was enacted in 2009;
AND WHEREAS a review of the current protocol is necessary to ensure its continued effectiveness and alignment with the standards set by federal regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing telecommunications infrastructure;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council of the Town of Pelham directs staff to conduct a review and analysis of the existing protocol for the development and redevelopment of telecommunications towers within the municipality;
AND FURTHER THAT staff consult with the Agricultural Advisory Committee prior to bringing a report back to Council;
AND THAT staff report back to Council by February 19, 2025, providing an analysis of the review, including any proposed updates or amendments to the current policy that are required by current federal regulations.