Committee of AdjustmentAGENDA10-2024Monday, October 07, 2024 4:00 P.m. - 6:00 P.m.Town of Pelham Municipal Office - Council Chambers20 Pelham Town Square, FonthillThe Town of Pelham is holding hybrid meetings of Council and Committee in accordance with Procedure By-law 4507(2022). Public access to meetings will be provided in-person at the location indicated on the agenda, via Livestream: and subsequent publication to the Town's website at 1.Attendance 2.Call to Order, Declaration of Quorum and Introduction of Committee and Staff 3.Land Recognition Statement We begin this meeting by acknowledging the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Metis, and Inuit peoples and acknowledging reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous people.4.Approval of Agenda 5.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof 6.Requests for Withdrawal or Adjournment 7.Applications for Minor Variance 7.1A31-2024P - 13 Accursi Crescent 1.A31-A33-2024P - Various Accursi Cres.pdf2.PW A31-2024P- A33-2024P - Accursi Crescent.pdf3.Building Accursi Crescent A31-A33 2024P- BLDG Comments.pdf1. Town of Pelham Planning 2. Town of Pelham Public Works3. Town of Pelham Building7.2A32-2024P - 11 Accursi Crescent See file A31-2024P for report and comments. 7.3A33-2024P 9 Accursi Crescent See file A31-2024P for report and comments. 8.Applications for Consent 8.1B15-2024P - 6 Elizabeth Drive 1.B15-2024P - 6 Elizabeth Drive.pdf2.PW B15-2024P 6 Elizabeth Drive-Amended.pdf3.B15-2024P Building Comments.pdf4.Comments-Hydro.pdf5.Vince and Carla Andronico Comments Regarding 6 Elizabeth Drive_Redacted.pdf1. Town of Pelham Planning 2. Town of Pelham Public Works3. Town of Pelham Building4. HydroOne5. Vince and Carla Andronico 9.Minutes for Approval 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Committee of Adjustment_Aug06_2024 - English.pdfAugust 6, 202410.Adjournment No Item SelectedAgenda item details popup This item has no attachments.1.Post-Meeting Minutes - Committee of Adjustment_Aug06_2024 - English.pdf1.A31-A33-2024P - Various Accursi Cres.pdf2.PW A31-2024P- A33-2024P - Accursi Crescent.pdf3.Building Accursi Crescent A31-A33 2024P- BLDG Comments.pdf1.B15-2024P - 6 Elizabeth Drive.pdf2.PW B15-2024P 6 Elizabeth Drive-Amended.pdf3.B15-2024P Building Comments.pdf4.Comments-Hydro.pdf5.Vince and Carla Andronico Comments Regarding 6 Elizabeth Drive_Redacted.pdf